Training Highlights

Week 13 of marathon training…


Hardest Workout/Best Run

My hardest run by far was my 20 Mile Marathon Workout, which I completed today.  10 miles at an easy pace.  Strides.  Drills.  10 miles at 7:30/mile pace.   Fatigue and a stomach ache made this workout harder than hard.  The first 10 miles I spent trying to loosen up, which didn’t happen.  There was no smooth running this morning.  My back felt like it had turned into steel, making opening up and lengthening nearly impossible.  Continue reading “Training Highlights”

Work Your Core

Running doesn’t always result in a six pack, so for those striving for a six pack or for a stronger core, perform these core exercises after an easy to moderate paced run to strengthen and tone your core, speed up your metabolism, and shorten your recovery time.   Continue reading “Work Your Core”

Day 3

The day with four days to go…

It is not the fear of losing fitness or speed that keeps me from taking a breaks.  Running is simply a part of who I am.  I love running everyday.  My training plans include zero days off.  However, I need to begin marathon training fresh and well rested, so my week off lives on… Continue reading “Day 3”

Day 2

Out of breath…

Another day without running…

At LA Fitness, I swam 360 yards which is a new distance record for me.  I felt completely out of breath and had to take breaks, but it felt good to take on a new challenge!

I ate Fritos.  

Even though I limit my Frito intake during hard training, they are not that unhealthy.  There are only three ingredients.  Corn, corn oil, and salt.

I’ve read where corn can increase inflammation, but corn does not seem to hurt Kenyan runners.  A staple in their diet is Ugali, which is corn flour and water, so a bag of Fritos every now and then can’t hurt too much!

I went on a walk in my flip flops!

And I rode my son’s scooter.  I am not very fast.  But it was fun trying.

Two days down, five to go!

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Tuesday’s Top Three Core Exercises 

Having a strong core helps runners maintain proper running form, and maintaining proper running form can improve performance and prevent injuries. 

#1 Reverse Crunch

What you need- a yoga mat or soft surface and a weight (advanced)

Lie on your back with your feet flat on the ground and your knees bent.  Using your lower abdominals lift your hips off the ground, bring your knees to your chest.  Slowly bring your feet back to the mat.  Going slow is the key.  Do 2-3 sets of 12. Continue reading “Tuesday’s Top Three Core Exercises “

Tuesday’s Top Three Exercises for Strength and Stability

When I injured my hip flexor in November , I discovered that I had extreme weakness in my uninjured hip.  I used the following exercises to correct this imbalance, and I use them now for injury prevention.  If you are recovering from an injury do not fight through the pain to complete these exercises.  If there is pain, stop. Continue reading “Tuesday’s Top Three Exercises for Strength and Stability”