Tuesday Tempo

The weather was perfect this morning for a tempo run.  Cool.  Crisp.  Dry.  To stay warm, I wore a short sleeve shirt over my sleeveless shirt plus my pink Brooks arm warmers.  The arm warmers were nice to have for my warm up, but they felt restricting for my tempo.  Continue reading “Tuesday Tempo”

Training Highlights

Week 12 of marathon training…

10/9- 10/15

Hardest Workouts

All three of my hard workouts were the hardest in different ways.

My Tuesday Tempo Repeats totaled 12 miles.  3 mile warm up.  3 miles @7:00/mile pace.  3 minutes rest.  3 miles @6:50/mile pace.  3 mile cool down.  Staying relaxed and hitting goal pace was a challenge for the middle 6 miles especially with the wind.

Race Day.  5ks are always hard.  Enough said.

I ran my 20 miler in a fatigued state due to yesterday’s 5k race.

Best Run

The Tempo Repeats were my best, because I hit my goal paces and felt strong and in control.

Total Mileage

73 miles/118km

Total Climb


Long Run

I enjoyed the cooler temperatures today.  The wind and the rain?  Not so much.  Anything can happen on race day which is why I rarely let the conditions stop me from running.  Today, it wasn’t too bad outside.  I left my house at 6:20 in the dark.  In the rain.  With 15mph winds from the north.  And where was I headed?  North.  My first few miles, I ran carefully.  The roads were not well lit, the rain blew in my face, and there were some slick spots.  The rain let up around mile 5, and the wind was a challenge on and off up until mile 15.  I was able to increase my pace throughout the run, but not as much as I did a few weeks ago.  By mile 13, I was pretty fatigued.  I finished the Tailwind I had been carrying at mile 15 and made my way home.  Fatigued state 20 miler complete!



Crazy…. Cooler earlier in the week.  Hot and humid Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  Cooler with wind and rain today.

Gear Notes

I wore my Mizuno Wave Universe 5 racing flats for my Tempo run, my pre-race run, my race, and my long run.  I wore my Nike Free Flyknits for all other runs.  Once I found them, I wore my CEP Compression Calf Sleeves.

Hydration and Nutrition

Tailwind is now my go to drink for long runs, races, tempos, and track workouts.

Coming Up This Week

Tempo Run, 200m Repeats, and a 20 Mile Marathon Workout

Upcoming Races

October 28- Heroes Run Half Marathon (Shreveport, LA)

November- 5k Somewhere?!?

December 3- San Antonio Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon

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Single Leg Squat and A Triple Under

I should be able to do more than just one single leg squat on each leg, but I haven’t practiced enough lately to be able to.  My right side looks good.  My left side needs work.  Usually a few more attempts spread out over a couple of weeks does the trick.  When I incorporate single leg squats into training, I feel balanced.

(My video editor wasn’t working today. The video won’t stay sideways once you press play 😉


Jumping rope is an excellent way to cross train for runners.  I strengthens your hips and calves.  It increases your turnover and helps identify and correct an imbalances you may be dealing with.  And it is also a great Cardio workout.

I started jumping rope when I was 7.  This ones for you, Coach Brockhagen!

(My video editor wasn’t working today.  The video won’t stay sideways once you press play 😉


​Yes, that rope went under three times.

Here are my upcoming races!

October 14 – Moni 5k (Farmers Branch)

October 28 – Heroes Run Half Marathon (Shreveport, LA)

December 3 – San Antonio Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon

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Tuesday Tempo

My coach warned me.  “This is a tough tough workout.”  He was right!  But I crushed it!  Now I am sore and finding it hard to sit still and type up this post.  I just walked to 711 to loosen up and to buy a drink.  Walking to 711 is always an interesting experience.  For some reason, the 711 near my house is a hangout for the random people that you just don’t need to be associated with.  The 35 year old ‘tweaker’ that has his own spot outside the door and mumbles something to you as you walk in.  The non verbal communication say’s “Hi, how’s it going?” but it’s really hard to tell what he actually says.  Then you have the 45-75 year old woman (who knows what her real age is) that drops everything multiple times while she buys a pack of cigarettes.  You may also find her passed out in the back of your car if you leave your doors unlocked overnight.  (A story for another time…)  And every time, without fail, a police officer comes in to ‘buy some food or a drink.’  There is always something going on there!

Back to the tempo…

2.7 mile warm up (includes strides) average pace @ 7:35/mile

15 minutes @ 7:00/mile (actual average pace was 7:05/mile)

5 minute jog (approximately 8:30/mile… I kept the pace up and recovered quick)

5 minutes @ 6:50/mile

5 minute jog (again I kept the recovery pace between 8:00/mile – 9:00/mile)

4 minutes @ 6:40/mile (actual average was somewhere between 6:40-6:45/mile)

4 minute jog

3 minutes @ 6:30/mile

3 minute jog (slowed down a little for this recovery jog)

2 minutes @ 6:20 (I got my pace down to 6:20 but couldn’t hold it.  My average pace was 6:30)

3 mile cool down @ 8:15/mile

Total Morning Mileage – 12 miles

I ran in my new Mizuno Wave Universe 5 Racing Flats!!! 

After my workout, I spent some time rolling out and finishing off the ice cream.

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Borrowing Limits

Sometimes I have to borrow limits.  They aren’t mine, and I promise I won’t keep them.  These limits are unfamiliar and awkward, but I have heard that I need them.  That they can help me achieve my goals.  But wait, how am I going to achieve my goals if these limits make me quit a workout or stop when there is pain.  These limits have no backbone, no will power.  These limits hold me back.   Continue reading “Borrowing Limits”