Back from the Dead

Two weeks of easy running derailed by the flu, a 102 fever, and an asthma crisis. I stayed in my flannel pajamas for days. I didn’t miss running. I didn’t think about running. After four days with a 101 degree fever, no appetite, and full on body aches, I got up hopeful that I was on a fast track to feeling better. That hope faded on my way up the stairs. Short of breath and only half way up.

Back to the Doctor

My son had the flu. He felt better. My husband had the flu. He felt better. I had the flu that attacked my lungs that triggered my asthma that put me in the emergency room for high dose breathing treatments. #Lifewithasthma

Back to Training

I am feeling much better now, but my energy level is still lower than low. This week, I am easing back into training. My goal is to be ready to resume real training on Christmas.

Back to School

Rearranging my life has been a theme lately. With running, blogging, work, family life, and school. School? Yes, that’s right. I am going back to school, enrolling as a full time student in the Computer Information Technology Degree Program (Network Security or Programming). I can’t wait to get started.

I plan to keep up with my blog on a regular basis, and my training schedule will remain the same. Classes start January 16!

Back to Racing

The only race I have on schedule at the moment is The Cowtown Marathon on February 25, 2018. I will put together a more complete schedule soon!

Thanks for reading! Happy Holidays!

An Increased Focus

Marathon training and two football games…

With the 5k last Saturday, the 20 miler, and my two key workouts on top of random other stuff going on, fatigue hit me this week.  Not terribly.  Just enough to stifle my creativity… #Wordless Wednesday  This is okay though.  My mild case of writer’s block is counter balanced by the confidence I’ve gained and am still gaining in marathon training.

Today is about recovery.  A six mile easy run.  Some foam rolling.  Two flag football games.  Writing and relaxing.  Tomorrow, I have a 20 mile workout that I need to be ready for.

So far, everything has gone according to plan.  The humidity this morning made my run tougher than I wanted it to be, but it was still easy enough to be a recovery run.


After a shower and a snack, it was flag football time.  Both games were a success today!  Such a success that I have to brag about my kids a little…

My daughter plays in a league with all boys, and she is a ROCKSTAR!  They specifically cover her because she is lightning fast.  My son is a LASER FOCUSED STUD out on the field.  Today, he made a great catch and run to score a touch down without his glasses (broken on the previous play) and with a hurt hand.  Before the game, when he dove for a catch, one of his teammates ran in front of him accidentally stepping on his hand (with cleats).  

Time is flying.  Temperatures are dropping.  Pace is increasing.  Race day is nearing.  The 20 mile workout tomorrow is one out of two hard workouts I have before the Heroes Run Half Marathon next Saturday in Shreveport.

My training is coming together and I can’t wait for race day.  I have two brand new pairs of Mizunos, so I will have no last minute racing flat emergencies, and according to the latest forecast the weather should be perfect.  Upper 40s with a chance of rain.  This may not be everyone’s perfect running weather, but I love it!  For running only.  After the race, the sun better come out to warm me up.

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Rolling out and relaxing are up next!

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Day 7

The day my week off ends…

After 22+ weeks of hard training and racing with days off only for an illness or achilles flare up, not running at all this past week was like checking into rehab for runners.  On Day 1, rest and recovery felt 100% necessary.  The heat exhaustion still had a hold of me and rehydrating was my top priority. ‘Withdrawal’ kicked in on Day 2 and Day 3.  I went to the gym to cross train both days, and I felt lost.  My body felt empty.  Going to the gym was not a good idea. Continue reading “Day 7”

Day 5

The birthday…

Day 5 is my birthday.  My 31st birthday.

My workout today ended up being a 45 minute walk, not exactly what I had planned, but it was easy enough for my week off.

Here are some more pictures from the Joule Hotel…and Campisi’s!

Yes, I took a picture of the giant eyeball from our bathroom, which was incredible by the way!

Campisi’s Gluten Free Pizza!  This was my first time eating out in years!!!

My favorite part!

Five days down, two to go!

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Day 4

The day at the Joule Hotel…

My husband and I have been married for 12 years as of last Friday, and to celebrate our anniversary we are staying at the Joule Hotel in Downtown Dallas. 

Four days down, three to go!

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I will post more pictures of our amazing stay at the Joule Hotel on Day 5 along with whatever nonrunning workout I do!

Day 2

Out of breath…

Another day without running…

At LA Fitness, I swam 360 yards which is a new distance record for me.  I felt completely out of breath and had to take breaks, but it felt good to take on a new challenge!

I ate Fritos.  

Even though I limit my Frito intake during hard training, they are not that unhealthy.  There are only three ingredients.  Corn, corn oil, and salt.

I’ve read where corn can increase inflammation, but corn does not seem to hurt Kenyan runners.  A staple in their diet is Ugali, which is corn flour and water, so a bag of Fritos every now and then can’t hurt too much!

I went on a walk in my flip flops!

And I rode my son’s scooter.  I am not very fast.  But it was fun trying.

Two days down, five to go!

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I Thought Every Day was Training Day

A week of what?

Silence.  More silence.  Does he believe me?  I look at my phone.  The call didn’t drop.  “Did you hear what I said?”

“Yes!  Is this your coach’s idea?”


“A full week off?  No running?”


“I knew I liked your coach!  Let him know I’d like to buy him dinner!”

This week is my first scheduled week off.  EVER.  I tried to get around it by agreeing to a Super Easy Week and then an Easy Week, but when I asked my coach, Jacob Phillips, if there was any benefit to no running at all for a week, his answer convinced me immediately.

In an email, he explained,”People who do not rest are usually not fast…You have to have recovery, and you have to have periods where the body absorbs the work you’ve done…Shalane Flanagan takes weeks off at a time at the end of a season or before a build up.  Same with Desi.  Same for any professional or elite level runner.”

For the first time, I had no reason to prove my point on the matter.  I knew he was right.  After reading the email once, I wrote back and agreed.

Today marks the first day of my week without running.  Wish me luck!

Some of you may be wondering why my coach suggested this week off.  Here it is.  My big news!


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Follow me on Instagram and Pinterest @irunelite

Friday Favorite with a Twist

I decided to add a twist to my usual Friday Favorite for this week.  This is the first time since Sunday that I have posted anything on my blog, so one Friday Favorite did not seem like enough to make up for every other weekday.  So here I go… Continue reading “Friday Favorite with a Twist”