Liebster Award

Thank you, Alphonso for nominating me for the Liebster Award.  I have been reading Alphonso’s blog ever since I started blogging in February.  He is a runner as well, however most of his blog posts are about other topics.  His blog is by far the most creative blog I have come across and I encourage everyone to check it out!  He just started his Flashback Friday series which includes one of his earlier blog posts.  He also has the longest Bucket List I have ever seen.  The Bucket List Updates include how each activity/challenge was completed.  Check it out!

Rule #3 states that I must name my favorite blog to read and explain why it is my favorite.

When I discovered The Runninger, I knew right away that this blog would become one of my favorite blogs to read.  Tony is a fast long distance runner that trains and races in running sandals, specifically Gladsoles Trail 2.0 in Port Macquarie, Australia.  Continue reading “Liebster Award”